Welcome to Marine Solutions NI

Finding and designing solutions for your boating needs from cleaning chemicals to floating modular docks/pontoons.  "Boating for a good time not a hard time"

Checkout our other services link, need a hand spliced dog lead? or mooring lines? bow/stern lines. let us know your needs.

Cleaning Chemicals

Marine cleaning chemicals manufactured and supplied in NI

Bespoke modern non-slip flooring. 

Ideal way to modernise any boat floor, long lasting comfortable and can have any design/logo or even your boats name 

Modular Pontoon Systems

Suppliers and fitters of modular pontoons systems

Recent Jobs 

Old School splicing carried out for Storm-tec Marine

Delivery of a new 5.5mtr Float-Space dock to Kilrush Co Clare

Extension to an existing pontoon 2mx4m Float-Space system 

6mtr x 3mtr drive on dock for Waverides Belfast 

6.5 x 2 mtr float my boat dock Carrickfergus marina 

6.5mtr float my boat dock Bangor marina